
For the love and passion of words

One can be stifled and intimidated by the magnanimous mind and never feel accomplished enough to express oneself.

That is the design of the masters of the glass bead game who at the pinnacle of their narcissism are found hanging another piece of paper on the wall to award their accomplishment.

I do not disrespect certification but only dream of a world where the paper you hang on your wall did not equate to a right to life or opportunity. I only dream to be free from corruption, nepotism, and the clandestine passage of rights granted to the privileged.

There are critics on every corner to criticise your grammar and completely miss the point. Critics are as numerous as roaches in garbage.

See all my novels on My other blogs, TJ Ginn - Dream Ecstasy - Birdies online Home web site - TJ GINN

Available now on Amazon - He never intended to be the most infamous man in history and now he is on the run just because he was trying to improve life for everyone. -The Praus Probability- a new novel by TJ Ginn

Another 5 Star review for my novel 'For the Love of Annie Dupree' - get it today on Amazon


Be sure to see 'Professor Brainstein Presents -Physics 101- on YouTube

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Misanthropic, Misogynistic and Misandry require contemplation even for the erudite elitist on a quest of intellectual pursuit to be sure that they were not deficient in their studies, for even they must pause.

Misanthropic is the hatred of humans of all ilks, while Misogyny is the hatred of women and Misandry is the hatred of the male.

Consider self loathing before any contemptuous considerations. In order to hate something you must be something so all of these become self loathing.

You animal. You defecator. You wash and polish your appearance with perfume to cover your inadequacy and then purport to express your disgust of the existence of others.

Loneliness is you prescription, isolation and separation till you cry for conversation.

And out of the darkness came want. The primal scream to be and not be alone.

And then you hate no one or anything and love is all that is.



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