
For the love and passion of words

One can be stifled and intimidated by the magnanimous mind and never feel accomplished enough to express oneself.

That is the design of the masters of the glass bead game who at the pinnacle of their narcissism are found hanging another piece of paper on the wall to award their accomplishment.

I do not disrespect certification but only dream of a world where the paper you hang on your wall did not equate to a right to life or opportunity. I only dream to be free from corruption, nepotism, and the clandestine passage of rights granted to the privileged.

There are critics on every corner to criticise your grammar and completely miss the point. Critics are as numerous as roaches in garbage.

See all my novels on My other blogs, TJ Ginn - Dream Ecstasy - Birdies online Home web site - TJ GINN

Available now on Amazon - He never intended to be the most infamous man in history and now he is on the run just because he was trying to improve life for everyone. -The Praus Probability- a new novel by TJ Ginn

Another 5 Star review for my novel 'For the Love of Annie Dupree' - get it today on Amazon


Be sure to see 'Professor Brainstein Presents -Physics 101- on YouTube

Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Praus Probability


Just re-released 'The Praus Probability' on New format, larger print in both paperback and hardcopy.
New Edit release September 2024

Published Sept. 2019 
Ginn predicted the results of World Wide AI
Ahead of his time Ginn nails it...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Perihelion Engineering - 'The Universe Not in a Nutshell

Ten years in development...
                Perihelion Engineering, ‘The Universe Not in a Nutshell’ is the most important publication of the twenty-first century. TJ Ginn breaks the bonds of traditional physics to redefine long accepted norms.
                Causality and the Big Bang theory are refuted. The velocity of light is proved to not be fundamental. Combustion and thermodynamics is taken to new horizons and the magic of magnetism is revealed to be push and not pull as well as gravity being shown to be pressure and not a magic unsolvable mystery attractive force.
                For the first time in science history, dark matter is defined, as well as the red shift observation refuted, to support Albert Einstein’s original proposal that the universe is infinite.
The unified theory is here… “The universe is in a Nutshell and the Nutshell is infinitely large.”
The ‘Universe Not in a Nutshell’ breaks from physics conventions for a new viewpoint. The problem with our sciences is that it is much like the old adage – ‘a man was looking in his yard in the evening. His neighbor asked him what he was looking for. “Why, I am looking for the keys to my car.” The neighbor helped him and after a while he asked, “Is this about where you lost them?” The man replied, “no, I lost them in the house.” Dismayed the neighbor asked, “Then why are you looking out here?” The man replied, “Because the light is better.” This is my version of ‘The Streetlight effect’ and it is prevalent even today.
Our observations are always evolving and as in the days of Nicolaus Copernicus we learned our observational error and we saw the earth truly going around the sun. We have failed in so many aspects with the Big Bang view. It is totally wrong primarily because the speed of light is not fundamental.
“I apologize for the high cost of printing, but it is a full color exposé, which is essential. I am not accustomed to apologizing ahead of a release, but I am trying to put this in the hands of everyone. Though I tried to write this for even the non-science acclimated reader some complexities were unavoidable. Suffice it to say, though the universe is simple, infinity is not.”
Many Regards
Buy it now on Amazon
Watch the YouTube Video

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dancing on the Devil's Grave

Dancing on the Devil's Grave

Sounds like a good title for a novel

But no, it is a celebration of my collection

 And, after years of research, my most defining work

is almost ready

Perihelion Engineering

The Universe in a Nutshell

The elusive 'unified theory'

'The Big Bang is wrong'

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Essential Death

*I overlooked this prose for years because it is dark, however it is truly existential. I have often thought that one would not get out of bed lest to stoke the fire that had gone out. We only do things because we must.

Pause to consider eternal life.

Each day, if that is the measure, nothing need be done.
One will not die for crops not sown.
Nor hunger filled for crops not grown
The rain will not drench by the house not built.
And, babes will not cry for a mother’s milk.

Consider a dreamer with desire to paint.
Eternal time is no constraint.
Ponder the dream for days and days.
For the canvas shines so many ways.

Whether I paint with color or passion,
I have no concern for the modern fashion.
Thus, I wait for another day,
to see what dreams may come my way.

And thus, nothing is done except ponder.

Now, does even pondering have times constraint?
What if I ponder for days and days that turn into
years and years or millennia upon millennia?

So, what is the measure of time and what needs must be accomplished?
How must I perform and most paramount is it I that must do?

Now wrap yourself up in comfort, oh ye of labor, for you have done conscience bidding. It has been thrust upon you in a manner of teaching, though it was not your request. You were born from oblivion as the quintessential guest.

And I dream to be free from sowing crops and building with thatch
to prevent the rain from coming in for there is time to paint my painting of a song sung with refrain.

Would you do anything unless you must? Thus, death gives you necessity.
Necessity to work with in your day and finish what must be done before you die.

Now if you are an immortal soul you will understand the necessity of time verses timelessness.

The differential of having and not having makes your life expedient and yet only patience will see it through for if all things happen in zero time then nothing would be.

This dichotomy like death is essential.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Cognizance and Kindness

No one told you that the prerequisite to be a human entity was to be judged, but then you must first be made in flesh and bone before you can be asked the question of the prerequisite to your existence is to be judged as to your right to exist at all.
            For this God is sorry that you could not be asked if you want to exist prior to your creation. Now for God to be sorry for not asking you a priori is substantial. Such that his condemnation for such responsibility required his own death.
            How could one know a priori that one offends unless first the error of offence is experienced and only posteriori can one make amends.
            Glory may just be this, that God a priori apologized for your suffering and took upon himself the complete punishment for having created death and judgement and salvation and forgiveness for the creation of an entity which is you, for which God hoped to commune except that forgoing his creation was ignorant.
            Omnipotence conceived a realm in which sacrifice, and punishment befell upon itself to pay for all sin and death and judgement. Existence itself is juxtaposed against this differential. How can complete judgement not be tyrannical? How could anyone be free if continually judged? And, if God created man for his own companion, likened unto himself, free and autonomous, how could that be accomplished under continual judgement.
Unrighteousness is self-incriminating, and unkindness is self-evident. An omnipotent God provided a way around ignorance, it is called forgiveness. You would not punish a child for its ignorance and thus they learn and not fear their parent.
            If it is not of kindness, it is not of God.


Eternity Waits

The sun rose today like any other day.
But, nothing happened.
No murder, no death, no tragedy.
What if eternity were days and days where nothing happened?
Could it be that the mundane reality of eternity is nothing but day after day of no events, with the sun rising and setting?
Albeit with glorious color and sweet aroma of flora and salt air, with waves thrashing the shore and sunset sweeping to reveal the stars and a full moon rising?
A cool breeze came across the ocean and the smell of the bounty of the sea was enticing and comforting with the aroma of the eternal, yet nothing happened today, no murder, no death, no tragedy in the human realm.
                All the earth is subject to the human realm.
               But they conceived this day with murder and death and tragedy and the sun rose and set, and the ocean waves churned and eternity waits for fools who could learn but refuse.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Where Love is made

For this is where love is made.

For I have tried my children in the fire of infirmity; in the incomprehensible pain of the flesh.

They are left alone in the dark without guidance or light to see.
I must at my own anguish leave them alone to see, to see if they are of mine own sinew.

If they are of mine own, if they are of mine heart, they will surely, truly be kindred.

Love cannot be demanded only offered and it is only seen through longing.

In the midst of love it is squandered and taken for granted and thus it is only seen when lost.

For in the differential of having and not having is the realization and true definition that gives love its deepest meaning.

Thus the reason for the universe and all existence is love and a God who incomprehensibly demanded it and went away in anguish for this tyrannical demand.

There can be no other way. You must lose to gain. You must die to live.

And, a God in heaven alone is the God of nothing.

You think this is without design, that all of existence just happened?

Look deep and you will see your want; your want to be, your want to go somewhere, your want to do something, your want rise above this earthly, fleshly, limited realm.

You want.

You want to reach someone, to tell someone, to hear someone, to be recognized by someone and to recognize someone.

And a God in heaven alone is the God of nothing.

While the frustration of your limited time, and your frustration with your limited ability and your frustration with others ability to understand your frustration, your reaching, your longing to do and accomplish and to aid and comfort and fix the ills of all is so sorrowfully misunderstood.

So this is where love is made, when you are dried up and all you strength is gone in your anguish to demand love. You came with all your heart to do that spirit that is in you, that thing that you are, this soul, this entity which is you, which is how you were made.

In the image of God were you made, that of Love, Hate, Joy, Grief, Fear, Jealousy and Grace and you are swimming in the void, in darkness hoping and thus you are kindred. For you are kindred and like God knowing God's want.

For a God in heaven alone is the God of nothing.

For this realm is truly designed. It is designed to find the lonely, the broken and the wanton heart that will cherish life even at the cost of its own, lest forever you are alone, lest forever you be alone.

And, love was nailed to a tree, not the tree of good and evil but of life.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Tell the birds to stop their singing.
Tell the butterflies to go away.
Tell the bells to stop their ringing
Tell the colors to turn to gray.

Have the clocks to stop their ticking.
Have the children stop their play.
Have the harpist stop her picking.
Have the moon to go away.

Stop the river from its flowing.
Stop the stars and crystal sky.
Stop the breezes from their blowing.
Stop all wonders by and by.

Count the minutes I am mourning.
Count the tear drops from my eyes.
Count the depth of this fore longing.
Count the anguish where it lies.

Please the minstrel to stop playing.
Please the singers to go away.
Please the dancers stop their dancing
Please the pain to stop I pray.

All if this because I miss you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Have you ever?

Have you ever known sincerity?
Have you ever known this calm?
Have you ever held a thing of rarity?
Have you ever sung this psalm?

Have you ever danced this dance of joy?”
Have you ever played this tune so rare?”
Have you ever returned to a children’s toy”
Have you ever played without a care?”

Have you ever seen the mocking bird?”
Have you ever known its laughing tease?”
Have you ever heard that loving word?”
Have you ever been so pleased?”

I have for in your eyes is truth’
and you say you love me.

Friday, August 10, 2012

This Single Woman

I see truth in her eyes through which I can see her soul
Long serving
Hides her pain
Clings to hope
Beams with grace
Gives her most
Cries alone
Wants to share
Longs to understand
Feels forlorn
Prays to God
Sustains with faith
Dulls her pain with drink
She waits and hopes
She dreams of that one shoulder to cry on;
That one who understands.